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We are so thrilled that our tennis courts have now had a full refurbishment and are ready for you to book.  If you'd like any further information not covered here please get in touch 

Game On!

The Redcatch Tennis Courts are now fully refurbished and available to book online. They are part of the Bristol Parks Tennis Model funded with a grant from the  Lawn Tennis Association  in association with BCC and Wesport a sport charity passionate about helping people become more physically active and enjoy the benefits that an active lifestyle can bring.

It is a sustainable pay model which has been successfully operating in several other Bristol Parks and in other parks in the UK, to encourage more community tennis. The money from bookings is used for management and maintenance of the courts and to help subsidise special community group session.

How it works

  • Courts can be booked at www. , once you have registered you can book a court

  • Household membership costs £35 per year and allows anybody that lives in your house to book courts with no additional charge

  • Membership covers all 5 parks in Bristol: Redcatch, Canford, Dingle Close, Eastville & St George

  • Concession membership of £25 per year is available for those on income support

  • You can also book a court for £5 per hour pay and play

  • When you book a court you will receive a 4 digit pin code on the screen and this will also be emailed to you

  • This code works from 10mins before your booking and up to 10 mins after your booking has finished

  • You will receive the same code every time you book a court and is unique to you, however your code will only work at the time that you have a court booked

  • Once you have set up an account you can also book on your phone: Search for Clubspark Booker in the app market

Coaching Classes 

This winter the following classes are available:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing -  Fri 12-1pm

  • Cardio Tennis - Fri - 1-2pm

  • Adults Beginners & Improvers - Fri 2-3pm

  • ACEZ Disability Inclusive Tennis - Sat 12.30-1.30pm

    Please click below for more information and booking 

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